Many business owners think only exterior signage has a real impact on their business and is, therefore, worth the expense. While it’s definitely true that you need good exterior signage to draw customers into your business, interior signage has many advantages that directly impact your bottom line.
Having a wide range of interior signage made for your business is very important. You also don’t want to go the cheapo or homemade route with signs just because they are for the interior – that looks unprofessional. You want quality interior signs that are attractive, legible, and compliant (if necessary).
We all know the power of a first impression. When you routinely have visitors come to your business, you want to make a great first impression on them. If they can’t find the product or service they are looking for, have no idea where the sale items are, or get lost, you’ve failed on that first impression. However, when you have signs installed throughout your place that are welcoming, instructive, and helpful, you represent your brand much better.
Along with the direct message of an interior sign, get more bang for your buck by customizing your signs with your logo, tagline, company colors, or any other identifying graphics. Having your branding elements on your signs reinforces your brand identity. Strong brand identity means people will be more likely to keep your business top of mind next time.
Getting someone in the door is just the first step to a sale or establishing a relationship. Good interior signs that effectively promote your products, services, specials or sales help turn visitors into customers. If your organization is in the helping business, healthcare, for example, you can post signs that provide useful information about preventing an illness or ways to reduce stress. There are plenty of opportunities to give people important information after they have already crossed your threshold into your building. Well thought out interior signs help visitors learn more about your enterprise which will connect them to you more strongly.
Keep in mind that interior signage can be installed simply to liven up the joint and create attractive focal points. Wall graphics, window illustrations, and interesting quotes or sayings break up expanses of blank walls and make rooms feel warmer. Using images depicting the company history or local landmarks further personalizes your space.
Incorporating colorful, attractive interior signage throughout your facility makes visitors feel more comfortable and improves their perception of your company. It also creates a more pleasant environment for your staff.
The worst thing is to get into a business, especially if you are pressed for time or have a scheduled appointment, and can’t find your way! Visitors will leave your business because they are frustrated with poor directions (or no directions). Your staff members will get interrupted repeatedly with questions that a simple sign could answer. Individual with disabilities will feel alienated if your signage doesn’t provide them the access they deserve.
If your organization is required by federal law under the Americans with Disabilities Act to have certain types of signage in your building, interior signs play a very important role in this mandate. When you must post signage that notes handicap accessible areas, exits, bathrooms, public areas, etc., you need good signs made. When you work with a sign company who knows ADA regulations, you can get high-quality interior signage that possesses the appropriate font, colors, and other elements to meet ADA requirements. Including ADA signage is also just good business. It demonstrates that you are sensitive to the needs of individuals with disabilities.
These are some pretty major benefits to your business! And they all come just by reading the signs you have posted in your building. When visitors to your organization feel cared about and helped with their questions, they have a much higher level of satisfaction with the business. When visitors can move about your business easily and don’t get lost (very frustrating!), they have much higher levels of satisfaction with your business.
Putting the energy into new interior signs to help and guide your visitors will avoid problems and create a welcoming, friendly, easy-to-navigate environment for everyone who walks through your doors.