Having a new business sign made isn’t as easy as doing an internet search and ordering one from an online manufacturer-printer. There’s a lot of thought that goes into effective business signage, including placement, design and installation. These are all critical components of business sign making that require personalized service and local experience, not mass production. The price may look cheaper online. However, in the end it’s not a good investment in something so important to the success of your business. If you are a Maine business, you need a local Maine Sign Company!
Local, professional sign companies have talented designers on staff to help design a sign and branding that will draw customers to your business. If you don’t have a logo and other branding elements such as colors and fonts yet, a sign company’s design artists are able to create them for you.
While logo design provides a terrific start on getting a sign put together, sign design encompasses much more. The main business sign for your building or pylon needs a design that is appropriate for the intended installation. It should be considered part of the architecture of the building, or sized appropriately for the installation location.
Your local, Maine sign company will assess your specific business location, traffic patterns and volumes, and visibility for the best placement. They understand the weather patterns and impact our region’s environment has on signs, and will recommend materials accordingly. They will speak with you about how to illuminate your sign so it stands out during all hours and weather. A Maine sign Company wants you to have a quality, long-lasting sign that is truly customized for your business.
The online producer you found won’t care about any of these things. IF you can speak to an actual human, they will likely be trained as a telemarketer, not as a sign maker. You will be ordering a sign from stock templates and materials, not a custom original sign created to your specifications.
Local sign companies work with quality materials that they know perform well under Maine conditions. With a custom design completed, you may have some options about materials to fabricate your sign from. You will have choices about adding dimension, colors and other accents to make your sign truly stand out as well as be long-lasting. We know business signage is a big investment. We want to help you to make wise choices about the design and materials for your sign. Your Maine sign company is depending on their local reputation, the power of word-of-mouth advertising, and the value in happy, repeat customers.
Business signs are not typically a do-it-yourself project. They tend to be large, heavy, and require special tools and equipment to install them properly. Your local sign company will have all the necessary equipment to get your sign up safely and securely. They will be licensed and insured for such services as well, protecting your business from liability during installation. While installation may be an additional charge, you don’t want to worry about your sign coming loose in a Nor’easter or during one of our autumn wind storms!
Business signs are like other types of construction, typically requiring permits. In many cases, signs also need electrification which should be part of the planning and design process. A local sign company will be able to provide plans and help you work with local officials to gather the necessary permits and understand local regulations as it relates to signage. You want a business sign that is constructed to last, easy to maintain, and conforms to all the necessary codes and standards.
You guessed it, the mass-producer of signs you found in your Google search has no idea about local regulations or actually getting your sign installed. Since they don’t ask, you may not have thought through these finer details of actually getting a sign up for all to see. You may get stuck with a sign that doesn’t meet your needs at all – now that’s no real cost savings!
Your sign is your business calling card and should be in good working order at all times., In many cases, it’s the first impression you make with your potential customers. Your local sign company will be considering maintenance during the planning and design process. Because they are experienced sign makers, and have installed hundreds to thousands of signs for businesses, maintenance is part of their consideration when they engineer your sign. When you need cleaning or maintenance, you can call them to come work on your sign so your business always looks its best.
Successful business owners know that the relationships they develop with their vendors and service providers is invaluable. When you have an established contact you can call in an emergency, ask for quick turnaround, or simply depend upon for trustworthy advice and service, you have made running your business much easier. Once you have worked with your local sign company, they will have all your business graphics and branding information on file. They will understand your business which makes creating additional signage and marketing materials so much simpler. More than 50% of consumers say that “on-premises signage” was the reason for their visit. Having a local sign maker in your contacts is a valuable business asset!
While a huge online sign making conglomerate may seem to have better pricing than a local company, there are many factors to consider about making this long-term investment. Instead of ordering a sign like any other business sign, why not support a local business such as your own for a better long-term investment. Working with a local Maine sign company, you will benefit from:
At Sebago Signworks, we are a local, family-owned business, now in our third generation of sign makers. We are so appreciative that we have many local businesses that we work with, and we support our customer’s businesses whenever we can. We would love to add YOU to that list and help you have the best business signage possible.
Contact us today and set up a free consultation. We’ll discuss your needs and find the solution best-suited to your business and your budget.