Sebago Signworks is very excited to announce our latest team member – Meghan Fahie. Her last name may sound familiar – her dad is SSW owner Devin Fahie. Meghan represents the 3rd generation of our family business, which was established by her grandparents over 25 years ago.
Meghan joins us as the Operations Manager. She will handle the day-to-day operations of the business, managing the office, project schedule, and customer service needs. This role will help ease the responsibilities of her dad, Devin, considerably, as he’s tried to manage both the business, production, and installations sides of the business by himself for many years. As the business has grown, all these roles have become too much for one person. He’s delighted to have his daughter follow in his footsteps, as well as take some of the daily responsibilities off his shoulders. Meghan holding down the business operations at the shop will allow Devin to concentrate on marketing the business, and being in the field for estimates and installations.
Meghan graduated from Bonny Eagle High School, and immediately began working full-time at Lee’s Family Trailer. She started working at Lee’s part-time when she was just 16. She has been the operations manager and assistant service manager there for the last five years. While it’s an exciting time for Meghan to join her family’s business, it was also a big decision. “It was very hard for me to leave that job. I feel like I grew up there, and I have relationships with a lot of customers so leaving them was difficult!”
Meghan doesn’t take joining Sebago Signworks lightly. “I was very nervous about the potential toll us working together could have on my relationship with my dad.” If she was going to work at the sign company, it was going to be long-term. “I’m not just trying it out. I want this to be my career, and our hope is that I will take over from my dad when he is ready to retire.” So far, the two are doing great, each focusing on their respective roles and maintaining good communication. They’ve agreed to keep work at work, so their personal lives and relationship are protected.
Meghan is the eldest of Devin and wife, Renee’s three children. Her two younger brothers are no strangers to the business either. Pretty much each child has been at the shop since infancy, and played at the shop throughout their youth. Her brother Zack, who is 20, already helps with installations and site work. The youngest, Jax, is only 11 so it may be a few years before he decides if he wants to join the family business!
In the meantime, Meghan is learning everything she can from her father, and about the business. She has a lot of ambitions of her own, however. She’s looking forward to building new customer relationships, and bringing the perspective of a new generation to the business. SSW is already extremely involved in the community, but she’d like to continue to focus on community outreach and local small businesses.
“I’d like to work with more local small businesses who may just need small jobs, but we could help them with their signage and marketing. I believe that we can help one another. Local businesses need to support each other for us all to succeed.”
Join us in welcoming Meghan to SSW in her new, official capacity! You can reach Meghan at [email protected], or (207) 793-4440.