The Fahie Family owns and operates Sebago Signworks & Vehicle Advertising. Devin and his wife, Renee, have three children, Megan (18), Zack (16), and Jax (9), and live close to the shop in Limington, Maine. Renee works with Devin on the business and the operations side of things, and their two sons, Jack and Jax both help out at the shop from time to time. Even as children, daughter, Megan, and her brothers spent school vacations and summers at the shop, part work-study, part just hanging out with dad. That’s a Maine family business for you!
Devin is a second-generation sign maker. He learned hand painting and sign building techniques working with his father on the carnival circuit as a kid. Devin and Renee even met at the carnival – he was working and she was attending with her 4-H group. They were teenage sweethearts, and eventually Devin moved to Maine to be with Renee. They got married in 1997 and started their family shortly thereafter.
After leaving the carnival circuit, Devin’s parents followed his journey to Maine, and opened a sign company called Signs in Seconds. He started working for them, expanding his knowledge and expertise in sign making. Devin eventually took over the business from his parents when they retired.
Devin wanted to learn more about custom signage, and use his creativity to do carved and dimensional signs. In the early years, he worked hard to gain the trust of local businesses and create unique, high quality signage for their companies.
After a few years, larger companies began coming to Sebago Signworks. Fair Point Communications was one of their early corporations. They became a client in a round-about way, so to speak. Devin saw one of their trucks parked outside the sign shop. The truck lettering was so ugly that Devin took it upon himself to re-letter it! While the company wasn’t too happy with him at first, about a month later he got a call from the head of marketing at Fair Point. She really liked the way the truck looked and he ended up doing the whole fleet! After that, he did signs for the company offices as well. You might remember that Fair Point changed ownership, hence names, several times over the years, changing to Fair Point New England, then Fair Point Communications, then Consolidated Communications. So LOTS of work came his way.
Hood and Irving followed suit, and all of a sudden they were doing a lot of corporate work designing, creating and installing large corporate branding including signboards, fleet advertising, and branding of locations and equipment.
With the advancement of signage options and materials, Devin expanded the business to include truck lettering and vehicle advertising wraps. He also saw an opportunity to offer more services to businesses. In 2004, he changed the business name to Sebago Signworks. Later in 2015, he needed more equipment and production space, and expanded the sign shop by purchasing an old farm property in Limington.
Today, Sebago Signworks & Vehicle Advertising specializes in just about anything that has to do with signage and brand advertising. While they continue their roots in custom signs for businesses large and small, the can also work up a whole host of other marketing materials. From vehicle lettering to cut metal and vinyl stickers – their creative team loves a fresh idea and a new challenge, and is still a Maine family business.